New Radio Feature: DME Mode
The latest model of the Universal Radio / Transponder unit includes new labels for the following
- Display Brightness (DISP BRT) - This is a user-requested feature previously implemented on the NAV knobs. It has moved to the VHF COM knobs. You can push the knob once, or push-and-hold to adjust
- DME Mode - Another user-requested feature, you can now push the NAV DECIMAL knob to toggle DME Mode
- When DME Mode is enabled, the NAV Standby window becomes a DME readout. This feature works with both NAV1 or NAV2. Where no DME station is tuned, the window will show a dash. Remember not all VOR or ILS stations are equipped with DME!
Supported by Older Models
These functions are available to ALL users of the Radio / Transponder panel, not just the newest version.
Visit Aircraft Profiles to get the latest profile for your radio.
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